MSL 30-301 Military Science and Leadership 301 - Training Management and the Warfighting Functions

MSL 301 is an academically challenging course where you will study, practice, and apply the fundamentals of Army Leadership, Officership, Army Values, Ethics, Person-al Development, and small unit tactics at the platoon level. At the conclusion of this course, you will be capable of planning, coordinating, navigating, motivating, and leading squads and platoons in the execution of missions during a classroom practical exercise, leadership lab, or field training exercise. You will be required to write peer evaluations and receive feedback on your abilities as a leader. You will improve the leader skills that will further develop you into a successful officer. This course includes reading assignments, homework, small group assignments, briefings, case studies, practical exercises, a mid-term exam, and a final exam. You will receive systematic and specific feedback on your leader attributes, values, and core leader competencies from your instructor, other ROTC cadre, and MSL IV Cadets. Successful completion of this course will help prepare you for the Cadet Leader Course (CLC), which you will attend in the summer at Fort Knox, KY.
