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Undergraduate Courses
AART - Art Non-Traditional Programs
ACCT - Accounting
ADC - Addictions
APOL - Applied Politics
ART - Art
AS - Air Force - Aerospace Studies
ASL - American Sign Language
BADM - Business Administration
BIBL - Biblical Studies
BIOL - Biology
CAPP - Computer Applications
CHEM - Chemistry
CHI - Chinese
COL - College Studies
COMM - Communication and Media Arts
CRMJ - Criminal Justice
CSC - Computer Science
ECED - Early Childhood Education
ECON - Economics
EDUC - Education
ELED - Elementary Education
ENGL - English
ENGR - Engineering
FA - Fine Arts
FNAN - Financial Services
FREN - French
GER - German
GRK - Greek
HCM - Health Care Management
HEB - Hebrew
HIST - History
HRM - Human Resources Management
HS - Human Services
HUM - Humanities
INT - Interpreting Sign Language
IS - International Studies
ITSC - Information Technology Management
JRNL - Journalism
KINE - Kinesiology
LANG - Language
LIT - Literature
MATH - Mathematics
MF - Marriage & Family
MH - Mental Health
MIN - Ministry
MSL - Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) Programs
MUAP - Music Department
MUED - Music Education & Methods
MUEN - Music Ensembles
MULH - Music Literature & History
MUTH - Music Theory
MUWA - Worship Arts
NPM - Non-Profit Management
NS - Natural Science
NUR - Nursing
ORGM - Organizational Management
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYS - Physics
PSYC - Psychology
SCED - Secondary Education
SOC - Sociology
SPAN - Spanish
SPED - Special Education
SS - Social Science
THEO - Theology
THTR - Theatre
WRIT - Writing
YMN - Youth Ministry & Adolescent Studies
Graduate Courses
Bethel University Board of Trustees 2020 - 2021
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2020-2021 Catalog
Undergraduate Courses
> CSC - Computer Science
CSC - Computer Science
CSC 102
Introduction to Programming
CSC 110
Introduction to Computer Science
CSC 112
Digital Citizen of the 21st Century
CSC 121
Programming I: Control Structures
CSC 122
Programming 2: Data Structures
CSC 150
Seminar 1
CSC 210
Database Programming
CSC 230
CSC 245
Computer and Systems Security
CSC 255
Principles of Cybersecurity
CSC 261
Self-Directed Learning: Web Programming
CSC 262
Self-Directed Learning: System Administration
CSC 263
Self-Directed Learning: Introductory CS Topics
CSC 265
Management of Cybersecurity
CSC 310
Advanced Computer Science Topics
CSC 315
Principles of Cyber Defense
CSC 321
Programming 3: Object Oriented Programming
CSC 335
Cybercrime, Law, and Ethics
CSC 340
Software Engineering Theory
CSC 345
Network Defense and Countermeasures
CSC 350
Seminar 2
CSC 355
Linux Operating Systems and Security
CSC 397
Cybersecurity Internship
CSC 398
Internship in Computer Science
CSC 415
Penetration Testing
CSC 420
Theory of Computation
CSC 425
Network Forensics
CSC 435
Incident Response and Contingency Planning
CSC 441
Software Engineering in Practice
CSC 445
Advanced Cyber Defense
CSC 450
Senior Project in Computer Science
CSC 463
Self-Directed Learning: Advanced Computer Science Topics
CSC 490
Senior Capstone