Tuition Refunds
Fifteen-Week Classes:
- A course dropped during the first week (seven calendar days) of a 15-week semester will receive a 100% refund.
- During the second and succeeding weeks, the refund is reduced by 25% each week.
- After the fourth week, no refund is granted.
Seven-Week Classes
- A course dropped during the first week (seven calendar days) of a seven-week session will receive a 100% refund.
- During the second and succeeding weeks, the refund is reduced by 25% each week.
- After the fourth week, no refund is granted.
May Term and Summer Session Classes
- A course dropped after the first meeting will receive a 100% refund.
- After the second and succeeding meetings, the refund is reduced by 25% each class.
- After the fourth class, no refund is granted.
Three, Four and Five-Week Classes
- A course dropped after the first meeting, and before the second, will receive a 100% refund.
- No refund is granted after the time period listed above.
Classes Meeting Less Than Three Weeks
- 100% refund is granted when a course is dropped on the first day of class.
- No refund is granted after the first day of class.