Suggested Curriculum for Pre-Law Interest

There is no single path or major that will prepare a student for a legal education. Law schools look to candidates who have a broad-based education which can cover several disciplines. This kind of diversified education teaches students skills needed for the LSAT and a legal education rather than specific knowledge on single subject. The ABA recommends the student take courses that teach core values and skills. Some of these skills are:

• Analytic and Problem Solving skills
• Critical Reading
• Writing
• Oral Communication
• Listening Ability
• Research Skills
• Task Organization
• Management Skills

Though there is no one major, Bethel University offers a number of majors which will provide a sound foundation for legal studies and a broad knowledge of social sciences and the humanities. Our advisors are knowledgeable about the process of being admitted to Law School and will enhance student’s education by helping them select elective classes geared towards achieving the student’s goal. They will also help students develop an understanding of ethical patterns and professional conduct in the study of Law from a Christian perspective.