Spiritual Life

Bethel desires to foster Christian insight, growth and commitment. Some of the regularly featured events are chapel services, vespers, Spiritual Emphasis Week series and mentoring-discipleship programs.

Chapel and Midweek Small Group Gatherings are held weekly to engage students, faculty and staff in spiritual conversations, teaching and corporate worship.  Chapel services include guest speakers, musical and theatrical performances, extended times of praise and worship, faculty testimonies, and special series.

Chapel services are held every Monday and Friday at 10 a.m. in the Everest-Rohrer Chapel auditorium.  Following the Fall Ignite Series and the Spring Go Series, Midweek Small Group gatherings meet across the campus at designated times and locations.  Several Midweek Small Group offerings meet on Wednesdays at 10 a.m., while others take place throughout the week at various times and locations.

Vespers services are conducted each Wednesday evening at 9 p.m. on the campus under the direction of the Spiritual Life Team.

Sunday Worship is available both mornings and evenings in numerous churches in the South Bend/Mishawaka area. Students are expected to attend and participate in the services and activities of a local church on a regular basis.

The IGNITE Series is held each fall and emphasizes our need for God, as individuals and a community. During this period a guest speaker ministers at the chapel hour and in specially scheduled evening services.

The GO Series is held over a week each January and highlights God’s work and mission throughout the world. Various presentations are offered which provide students an opportunity to delve into specific missional themes that may be of interest.

The Deeper Life Series is a three-day event scheduled in late March/early April, during which a guest speaker addresses three chapels and two evening services for the purpose of challenging believers to a deeper commitment of faith.